Friday, June 4, 2010

I suppose...

I suppose I should write here more often. But often I don't think to. It's easier to just call someone and discuss what is bothering me.

Plus, I never have anything to do that is exciting enough to write very often. Everyday is just a lazy day, which is freaking awesome don't get me wrong. Even if it isn't, not much happens anyways.

But hey, I recently went to AN over the weekend. That is kind of exciting. Bought stuff, saw people, lazed about in the shade, same as every year. No pictures this year though, camera is afk at the moment.

Battery is dead, and I can't find the charger. Getting a new one day in approximately 10 days. Phone is getting fixed AGAIN, they obviously didn't fix it properly. I had to go and drop it off with them today. They better fix it properly, or so help me God I will rage hard. Picking it up in 10 days. When I go pick up my phone I shall go and get the charger. Works out.

Other than seeing friends, taking classes, and just enjoying summer, not much else has been happening. Seeing friends is important though, seen a lot of them many times since summer started at the beginning of May. Saw Brandon a lot, saw Chantelle and Chantal a lot. I have to see Katherine more and Jackie Dy more too. I also have to see Youki and the rest of my Toronto friends more too, I haven't seen many of them for a while. I should also set up something with some of my university friends.

There are a few people I'm very angry with right now too. Some people I don't think I will ever forgive because they have no right to be forgiven, and others still I don't care enough to want to forgive them.

anyways I'm to go to bed. Night.

Lizzeh <3

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